Maria David TO improve the efficiency of banking, NamPost formally introduced its digital banking channels on Thursday. NamPost has a branch network of 136 service points across the country. Minister of Information, Communication, and Technology, Emma Theofelus, said they have recently finalized the Namibia National Digital Strategy (NDS) for the period 2024-2028.

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Agence Olloweb : Etude et conduite de projet, prototypage, graphisme, codage de l'environnement graphique - Publinoves communication : Logotype - Orthographe Plus : Rédactionnels - Ovh : Hébergement - Google : Statistiques, polices de caractères - Développement : HTML5, CSS3, JQUERY, PHP7 - Applications : Adobe® Photoshop®, Adobe® Illustrator®, Panic® Nova® - Année/projet: 2022-2023