En Espagne, Carles Puigdemont reste visé par un mandat d’arrêt après cette décision du Tribunal suprême [Huffingtonpost]
(FILES) Catalan separatist leader and candidate of Junts per Catalunya - JxCat political party, Carles Puigdemont takes part in a campaign rally in the French southeastern town of Argeles-sur-Mer on May 4, 2024 ahead of the regional election in the Spanish northeastern region of Catalonia. Spain's Supreme Court refused on July 1, 2024 to grant an amnesty to Catalan sepratist leader Carles Puigdemont on a charge of misusing public funds, maintaining arrest warrants over his failed 2017 secession attempt. Spanish MPs in May passed an amnesty law aimed at drawing a line under years of efforts to prosecute those involved in the botched secession bid that triggered Spain's worst political crisis in decades. (Photo by Josep LAGO / AFP) JOSEP LAGO / AFP

Cette loi d’amnistie prévoit d’annuler les mandats d’arrêt visant les indépendantistes catalans ayant fui à l’étranger en 2017.

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