Comedian Senje shares endometriosis journey (Citizen Digital)
Comedian Sylvia Savai aka Senje received her first period when she was fourteen, and as she recalls, it was accompanied by intense pain. The pain was thought to be normal and she hoped it would subdue once she got older.

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Agence Olloweb : Etude et conduite de projet, prototypage, graphisme, codage de l'environnement graphique - Publinoves communication : Logotype - Orthographe Plus : Rédactionnels - SiteGround : Hébergement - Google : Statistiques, polices de caractères - Développement : HTML5, CSS3, JQUERY, PHP7 - Applications : Adobe® Photoshop®, Adobe® Illustrator®, Panic® Nova® - Année/projet: 2022-2023