Rwanda organizes tourism promotion roadshows in Shanghai, Zhengzhou and Guangzhou in China [RNA]
RDB (Rwanda Development Board), in partnership with Rwanda Embassy in China, is organizing investment and tourism promotion roadshows in the cities of Shanghai, Zhengzhou, and Guangzhou in China. These roadshows aim to promote Rwanda’s trade and investment prospects, showcase Made In Rwanda products, and highlight the country’s unique tourism attractions.  The events bring together investors, […]

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Agence Olloweb : Etude et conduite de projet, prototypage, graphisme, codage de l'environnement graphique - Publinoves communication : Logotype - Orthographe Plus : Rédactionnels - Ovh : Hébergement - Google : Statistiques, polices de caractères - Développement : HTML5, CSS3, JQUERY, PHP7 - Applications : Adobe® Photoshop®, Adobe® Illustrator®, Panic® Nova® - Année/projet: 2022-2023